What is an Ohio Boater Education Certificate?
The Ohio Boater Education Certificate is proof that a boater has successfully passed the Ohio Boating Safety Test. All boat operators born on or after Jan. 1, 1982 must get certified in order to legally operate a boat powered by a motor of 10 hp or more.
Is the Ohio Boater Education Certificate the same as a Boating License?
A Ohio Boater Education Certificate is official proof that you have successfully completed a Ohio state approved boating safety course. Boaters commonly refer to the Certificate as an Ohio boating license, however this is incorrect. Unlike a license, the Education Certificate does not expire and doesn’t need to be renewed.
Who needs an Ohio Boater Education Certificate?
All boat operators in Ohio who wish to operate a boat powered by a motor of 10 hp or more, who were born on or after Jan. 1, 1982 are required to obtain an Ohio Boater Education Certificate.
Who is exempt from having to obtain an Ohio Boater Education Certificate?
- A person born before January 1, 1982.
- A person who is operating a recreational boat who possesses a valid merchant mariner credential issued by the Coast Guard with at least one endorsement of master or operator. Proof of the credential must be carried on board during boat operation.
What is the fine for not having a card?
Boaters caught without an Ohio Boater Education Certificate will face a fine of up to $250, imprisonment for up to 30 days, or both.
How do I get an Ohio Boater Education Certificate?
You can obtain your official Ohio Boater Education Certificate from BOATsmart! in three steps:
- Take the BOATsmart! Ohio Boating Safety Course online.
- Pass the Ohio Boating Safety Test online.
- Print a Temporary Certificate.
How do I prepare for the Ohio Boating Safety Test?
Boaters can prepare for the official Ohio Boating Safety Test with the BOATsmart! Course which includes animated, narrated and illustrated lessons designed for all ages. The 3-hour Ohio Boating Safety Course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), Ohio State Parks and Watercraft and is recognized by the US Coast Guard. The BOATsmart! Ohio Boating Safety Course includes all the knowledge you need in order to obtain your Ohio Boater Education Certificate.
Will my Ohio Boater Education Certificate ever expire?
No. Your Ohio Boater Education Certificate will be good for life. But don’t be a stranger – BOATsmart! offers free refresher lessons that will help you keep your boating knowledge up to date! Ohio’s boating laws may change over time. Make sure you’re in the know.
How do I replace my Ohio Boater Education Certificate?
You can replace your Ohio Boater Education Certificate by contacting Ohio State Parks and Watercraft at 1-614-265-6485, or by emailing watercraft@dnr.state.oh.us
Do I need a Driver’s License to operate a boat in Ohio?
No. The state of Ohio does not require boaters to have a driver’s license in order to operate a boat. However, all boat operators who were born on or after Jan. 1, 1982 are required to obtain an Ohio Boater Education Certificate in order to legally operate a boat powered by a motor of 10 hp or more.
Do I need an Education Certificate for all types of boats?
Depending on your age, the Ohio Boater Education Certificate is required to legally operate a boat powered by a motor of 10 hp or more.
How long does the Ohio Boater Education Course take?
The state of Ohio requires that you spend a minimum of 3 hours studying the online course. The purchase of your BOATsmart! Ohio Boating Safety Course includes unlimited lifetime access.
Is my Ohio Boater Education Certificate valid in other states?
Yes. The Ohio Boater Education Certificate is accepted in 40 states, which extend reciprocity. This means the BOATsmart! Course meets the National Standards established by NASBLA. This law applies to operators of motorized boats, but not in all states to operators of personal watercraft (PWCs). Always check the boating laws in the state you plan to visit prior to operating a boat or PWC there.
Who is BOATsmart!?
BOATsmart!® is North America’s Boating Educator, approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and recognized by the US Coast Guard. We’ve been delivering award winning online boating courses since 2003 and have certified more than 650,000 boaters. BOATsmart! is accredited and approved by Ohio State Parks and Watercraft, to deliver the official Ohio Boater Card Course and Boating Safety Test.