Boaters of any age can take the online boating course and exam for boaters – Even boaters under 16 years of age. In fact, we recommend young boaters take the online boating course, obtain their ...
Who is BOATsmart!®?
BOATsmart! is an official Transport Canada Accredited Course Provider. We educate and certify boaters for their Pleasure Craft Operator Card. We are also a leading provider of recreational boat insura...
Stages of Hypothermia and Cold Water Survival
Hypothermia If suffering a person is suffering from hypothermia, their core body temperature will drop below normal levels. This results in weakened muscular functions, reduced co-ordination and slow ...
Special Buoys and Flags
Boating Restriction Signs Boating Restriction Signs are framed in orange and the symbol on the sign indicates the type of restriction that applies. If the sign is arrow shaped, the restriction applies...
Boating in Rivers, Canals, and Shipping Lanes
River Navigation Boating in rivers is different than operating on an open waterway. Boating in rivers presents its own unique hazards and conditions. Some rivers may exhibit strong currents, which can...
Distress Signals
Understanding and Using Distress Signals Pleasure craft operators must be able to recognize, use and properly exhibit distress signals as required by the Small Vessel Regulations. Depending on the si...
Collisions and Abandoning Ship
Collisions If your boat has been involved in a collision, perform the following: Step 1) Ensure that everyone is wearing a life jacket or PFD. Step 2) Visually and/or verbally confirm that all passen...
Red Right Returning
‘Red Right Returning’ A simple way for boaters to remember on which side of the marker buoy they should pass is to use the red right returning memory aid. ‘Red Right Returning’ refers to keepi...
Day Beacons
Day Beacons are signs posted on land or water. They are without lights and are intended for daytime use only. These beacons use the same colours as the Lateral System and are typically used as channel...
Boat Navigation at Night
Boat Navigation at Night: Head-on Approach If you meet a vessel and see a green, red and white light, you are approaching another power-driven vessel head-on. In this situation neither vessel has th...