
Cardinal Buoys

The Cardinal System There are numerous marker and buoy systems in Canada. The two main ones to be aware of as a boater are the Lateral System and the Cardinal System. Let’s take a closer look at the...

Boating and Alcohol Laws in Canada

Boating and Alcohol in Canada Boating under the influence is still a serious issue on Canadian waterways. In fact, boating under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is still a factor in approxi...


Responding to a Capsizing Emergency Overturning your boat, better known as capsizing, is a serious boating emergency. To be prepared, know how to perform the following if this does in fact happen. Ens...

Boat Navigation in Canada

Boat Navigation and Right of Way It’s important to know and understand boat navigation and right of way rules in Canada. This includes what actions to take when approaching another boat whe...

Casting off from the Dock

Casting Off There’s not much we enjoy more than casting off from the dock to go boating for the afternoon with family and friends. Here are our top tips to get you out boating safely and with c...

Docking a Boat

Using the Wind & Current to Return to the Dock When you’re docking a boat, there are a few steps to keep in mind in order to land safely. These vary depending on the weather when you’re boatin...

Using Marine Charts

Marine Charts and Nautical Publications Safe boating is more than just a matter of operating your boat in a responsible way. Before heading out on the water, you should familiarize yourself with local...

Safety Equipment Requirements by Boat Type

Boat Safety Equipment Requirements Different sizes and types of boats are required to carry different safety equipment. To understand the necessities for each watercraft, refer to the below charts for...

Boating Safety Equipment

Having the required boating safety equipment on your boat at all times is not only required but will also help you respond well if you find yourself in an emergency situation. The important part of yo...

Boating Emergencies

Boating emergencies are something we never think will happen to us but they can strike at any time and come in various forms and degrees of severity. The key to safe, enjoyable boating is being prepar...