Follow these steps to ensure you’re legally registered to operate a pleasure craft in British Columbia.
From Okanagan Lake to the Gulf Islands, British Columbia is full of sparkling, inviting water that is perfect for long boating days and sailing out on the water. Whether you’re a skipper, a sailor, or a swimmer, there’s something extra beautiful about the lakes, rivers, and fjords that are home to British Columbia home.
Boating and fishing are a huge piece of life in BC, whether you’re exploring freshwater or saltwater. However, setting out on a pleasure craft into the waters of British Columbia does require some paperwork.
Make sure that you’re covered to boat safely and legally in British Columbia with the proper licencing. Here’s what you need to know!

How Do I Know If My Boat Needs to Be Registered?
When you own and operate a boat in Canada, you’ll likely need to licence and register it, depending on your boat type.
Many boats are considered pleasure crafts in Canada, which means they’re used for fun and daily living. You probably have a pleasure craft if you’re spending your time going to the cottage, waterskiing, or leisurely going out on the water, meaning that you’ll need to license your pleasure craft.
Your pleasure craft must be licenced if it has a 7.5 kW (10 horsepower) motor or more.
In Canada, boat registration is required for commercial vessels, government-owned vessels, barges, commercial river rafts, vessels with a marine mortgage and vessels travelling outside of Canada. Pleasure crafts are just required to be licenced.
What Boats Are Exempt?
Pleasure crafts in British Columbia are required to be equipped with a Pleasure Craft Licence, with the following exceptions:
- Pleasure crafts using a motor of less than 10 horsepower (7.5 kW)
- A pleasure craft registered with Transport Canada
- Pleasure crafts purchased less than 90 days before
Note that after this 90-day grace period, pleasure craft boaters are required to carry documentation with their name, address, and purchase date.

How Do I Licence My Boat in British Columbia?
To apply for a Pleasure Craft Licence in British Columbia, you can apply online or complete a mail-in application.
The application can be printed and mailed alongside all required documents or can be completed electronically, and the following documents are required when you register a new pleasure craft:
- The completed application
- Signed photocopy of the valid government-issued identification for each owner
- A copy of the bill of sale or proof of ownership (home-built boats without a bill of sale may submit a declaration under oath)
- A current, full side view photo of the pleasure craft
How Much Does it Cost To Licence a Pleasure Craft in British Columbia?
There is no charge for the issuance of a Pleasure Craft License in British Columbia.
However, any pleasure craft caught operating without a licence will be charged a fee of $250.
How Do I Transfer Ownership To My New Pleasure Craft?
To transfer ownership to your new pleasure craft, complete the application for a Pleasure Craft Licence and write “transfer ownership” in the field marked for application reason.
The following documents are required to transfer ownership to a pleasure craft:
- The completed application
- Signed photocopy of the valid government-issued identification for each owner
- A copy of the bill of sale or proof of ownership
- A current, full side view photo of the pleasure craft
What Else Do I Need to Know About British Columbia Boat Registration?
Your British Columbia pleasure craft must display the licence number at all times on both sides of the boat’s bow in a contrasting colour and a size of at least 7.5 centimetres (or 3 inches) high. The Pleasure Craft Licence itself must always be carried on the boat.
Additionally, any Pleasure Craft Licence issued after 2010 is valid for ten years. However, if you move or your name changes, make sure you update your boat’s registration with the new information.
You’ll also need a license to operate the boat legally in BC.

Boat Safely and Legally in British Columbia
As we just mentioned above, all boaters in British Columbia are required to carry boating licences — otherwise known as Pleasure Operator Cards. So, it’s important to find an entertaining, engaging course that will teach you all you need to know about boating in British Columbia.
With BOATsmart!, you’ll become the safe, trusted, and licensed boater you want to be in no time! Our online boater education course teaches you what you need to know.
Originally published in May 2021. Content most recently reviewed and updated for accuracy and recency August 26, 2024.