Whenever you’re heading out on the water, it is good practice to go over safe boating tips with all passengers on board your watercraft. Safety must be your priority every time you take a boat or personal watercraft out for a spin!
Whether you’re looking for time to relax and improve your health on the water or you’re out for an adventure, what should you keep in mind? Here are the Top Ten boating safety tips from the team at BOATsmart!

BOATsmart!’s Top 10 Boating Safety Tips
BOATsmart!® Canada wants everyone to remember the following boater safety tips – every time you hit the water.
1. Wear a Properly Fitted Lifejacket or PFD
There are several different styles of PFDs and life jackets, but not all of them are ideal for every water activity. It’s also crucial to make sure lifejackets fit properly so they can function correctly if someone ends up in the water unexpectedly.
2. Don’t Drink and Boat
Alcohol and boating don’t mix! We want to remind you to “Leave the beer on the pier and the water on the water.”
3. Have a Co-Captain
Make sure there is someone else on board who is familiar with the boat and has their Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC), commonly known as a boating license or boat card, who can safely operate the boat if needed.
4. Check The Weather Network Marine Forecast
Understanding weather and water conditions is important to safe boating. Know what is in the forecast so you’re not stuck in poor boating conditions.
5. Check Your Required Safety Equipment
Make sure you have the required boating safety equipment for your boat. You’ll also want to check it and confirm that it is in good working order and that your flashlight has working batteries!
6. Fill Out a Trip Plan
Let a responsible person know where you will be boating, when you are expecting to arrive home, and who else is on board. Create a Float Plan and leave it with them.
7. Complete a Pre-Departure Checklist
Complete a Pre-Departure Checklist so you can ensure that you’re well prepared for your boating trip. This checklist helps you make sure the boat is in good working order and that you have everything you need on board for a safe day on the water.
8. Know Your Waterway
Safe boating is more than just knowing how to safely operate your boat and having your required safety equipment. You also need to understand local hazards. Refer to marine charts for the waterways where you’ll be operating, locate local hazards, and learn about preferred navigation channels.
9. Review your BOATsmart!® Study Guide
Even though you may already have your Pleasure Craft Operator Card, commonly known as a boater license, it’s a good idea to review the safe boating modules each season.
10. Get your Pleasure Craft Operator Card
Commonly known as a boating license, from a Transport Canada accredited provider like BOATsmart!® Canada, make sure you have this before launching. By learning the required safe boating knowledge to pass the boating license exam, you’ll be confident when boating with your friends and family.
Apply These Tips Every Time You Launch
We want you (and others on the water) to stay safe every time you head out for a relaxing day or an adventure. Apply these tips when boating – but remember, these tips are only the “tip” of what you need to know to boat safely.
For boaters in Canada, let our Canada-approved course guide you through the essentials. We can also help you get your PCOC. In the U.S, choose the course for your state, start learning, and protect yourself and others on the water this season. All courses are online, engaging, and simple to complete!
Originally published October 2011. Content reviewed, updated, and republished July 11, 2024.