Smart boaters know it is always the best option to avoid rough weather and water conditions. Boating in stormy weather can lead to a boating accident.
However, sometimes the weather can change unexpectedly. Navigating a boat may seem like a piece of cake, but in rough waters, it takes experience to know how to tackle the waters. Knowing what to do in the event of a storm is an ideal step toward being a prepared boater.
In the event that you do get caught on the water in a storm, follow these tips to keep yourself and your passengers as safe as possible if you have to boat in stormy weather.

8 Tips to Stay Safe If You Have to Boat in Stormy Weather
Boat Captains (like you) can be prepared for the weather to change and a storm to roll in while boating. You can also take some actions to keep you and your crew safe if you’re caught in a storm.
Here are eight things to keep in mind.
- All of your passengers should be wearing life jackets. Double-check that everyone has one on and that it is all fitted properly.
- Maintain your forward movement, but reduce your speed. Boating at high speeds in choppy waters can cause your vessel to capsize or intake too much water.
- Ensure that your navigation lights are on. In poor visibility, other boaters may not be able to see you.
- Get your passengers to sit along the centreline of your boat to stabilize it and prevent them from being thrown overboard. The centreline is the imaginary line that divides the port (left) and starboard (right) sides of your vessel.
- Make sure that all loose objects and equipment are stowed away properly. Any loose equipment can become a projectile at high winds.
- To lessen the chance of your boat being swamped by large waves, you should approach them at a 45-degree angle.
- Use your bailing devices and bilge pumps to keep the bilges free of water. This will help keep your boat above water level.
- If it is safe to do so, you should head back to shore and remove yourself from the danger zone. If it is unsafe to head back for any reason, anchor your boat and use your distress equipment.
We hope you’re never caught in a storm, but these tips should help you weather it and return to the dock safely after it passes.
Anchoring in a Storm
Boaters can take a few extra precautions when anchoring their boats to wait out stormy conditions.
Keep your boat angled at 45 degrees and head into the waves, preventing your boat from drifting and being swamped by large waves. Once you have dropped your anchor, take yourself and your passengers low into the boat and turn off your electrical equipment.
Be sure that your signaling device – and, if necessary, your distress equipment – is on so that other boaters in the area are aware of your positioning and that you are anchored.

Learn More About Boating Safely with BOATsmart!
Being caught in a storm can be scary but as a BOATsmart! certified boater, you will know exactly what to do in these situations. Always make sure that you check the weather reports and use your own personal observations before you get out on the water.
Understanding how to stay safe in any conditions while on the water is easier with boating education. When you know how to stay safe – even when calm conditions change to stormy weather – you boat with more confidence, and it’s more fun to be on the water.
BOATsmart! offers an online course that meets Canadian requirements for boat safety education before getting your license. Plus, when you finish our course, you can get your license through our website. It’s easy and convenient!
Register for your BOATsmart! course and explore the waterways with confidence!
Originally published August 28, 2017. Content most recently reviewed and updated August 6, 2024.